Friday, June 20, 2008

Camp Gram 2008 Day 2 part 1

This morning we started Camp Gran bright and early. We did some exercises with Olivia. Well, Lily was the only one that joined us. Chloe and Alex were "too cool" and would only peek through the front door or over the couch to see if we were really having fun. We were. And it was a workout. Well, a workout for someone like me who makes it a habit of eating one bowl of popcorn by herself every night and a bowl of ice-cream before bed. Okay, maybe I should slow down on the late night snacks. But hey, when my kids go to bed at night I call it a celebration that I survived another day and pig-out while a can with no one to beg me to eat all my snack for me. Back to the point at hand (from that random outburst)...
After the morning warm-up, we loaded up and went to the animal museum. Of course the kids loved it. But just in case you don't believe me, here's the puddn'.

Here's Gram enjoying her grandkids.

Chloe and Alex looking at the cool bugs. I'm glad they were pinned to the wall.

Alex said they should wait in the kid fort until the storm was over.

Chloe either never figured out that she was using the binoculars the wrong way or she just liked it that way, I don't know.

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