Friday, June 27, 2008

And Now...The Moment You've All Been Waiting For...

Tyler's First Hair Cut!!!!! Isn't he so handsome?

Thursday, June 26, 2008

To the rescue!

Believe it or not, (before anyone prosecutes anyone else) this tortoise was in mortal danger. It was in the middle of a busy road so it had to be moved. And why not take a picture in the process?
Isn't he a good citizen? This good citizen shall remain nameless.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Camp Gram: The Conclusion

I think everyone involved has called Camp Gram a great success. When someone asked Alex if he had fun at Cam Gram he said: "What do you mean? I'm still having fun!"

One counselor that needs to be recognized is Olivia. She was the biggest help to Grandma day and night. She was always there to help with the kids big and small, never complained or whined. She always asked what she could do to help and offered suggestions for activities. Olivia also lead our morning warm-ups, which was a big hit. I need to get a copy of that CD Olivia, I got a work-out myself from it. I think I can speak for everyone (Grandma in particular) when I say THANK YOU OLIVIA!!! I really think that Camp Gram couldn't have been as much as a success without you. And thank you Grandma, we all had a blast. Chloe can't wait for next year's camp. And for those of you who haven't heard the new rules for next year's Camp Gram, here they are. All participating children must be sleeping through the night and potty trained (or they need an active participating parent involved) to enjoy this wonderful Camp. Thanks again Grandma, this was a lot of fun. A lot of memories will be from this last weekend for everyone, I'm sure.
These are just a few pictures from Sunday dinner.

This was so cute! Chloe and Lily were searching for Alex all through the house. Alex was outside lightsaber-fighting with Stephen. But what was so funny was that they were shouting for him through the outlets. They were pressing their ears to it listening for a response. At one point they even tried putting their head through it. And even when Alex was "found" they would keep shouting his name all around the house and of course through the outlets. This game was so fun, they didn't want Alex to be found at all. And of course, Alex was oblivious to them. Probably for the better.

Camp Gram Day 3

Saturday morning we packed up in the cars and headed for Jumpin' Jacks. I think this was the biggest hit of the whole camp. Everyone, Counselors included, had a great time. Most of these pictures are blurry mainly because all my subjects never stopped moving (Bounce house you know). That also explains why all these pictures are of the younger cousins. I couldn't keep up with the older ones. The pictures I do have of them are either so blurry or they are running away. They were too busy having fun, I couldn't take a picture fast enough. There's proof for you Grandma that this was definitely a hit. Grandpa going down a BIG slide. I think that is a genuine look of horror on his face.
We didn't do anything else that day other than eat pizza for dinner. It was just too hot to do much else. I think everyone was tuckered out as well.

Camp Gram Day 2 part 2

On the afternoon of day 2 at Camp Gram Mike and his kids arrived. Everyone was excited to see them, and they were just as excited. Immediately they changed and joined the water festivities in the front yard.All the boy cousins (even Tyler is on the side there).Alex was trying to drink the water.The three young'nsI wish I could have gotten the ground in this picture, they were in midair.This, I think was the most stressful part on mom the whole weekend. I think she is chasing Lily down. And there is Matthew holding his swim shorts up.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Camp Gram 2008 Day 2 part 1

This morning we started Camp Gran bright and early. We did some exercises with Olivia. Well, Lily was the only one that joined us. Chloe and Alex were "too cool" and would only peek through the front door or over the couch to see if we were really having fun. We were. And it was a workout. Well, a workout for someone like me who makes it a habit of eating one bowl of popcorn by herself every night and a bowl of ice-cream before bed. Okay, maybe I should slow down on the late night snacks. But hey, when my kids go to bed at night I call it a celebration that I survived another day and pig-out while a can with no one to beg me to eat all my snack for me. Back to the point at hand (from that random outburst)...
After the morning warm-up, we loaded up and went to the animal museum. Of course the kids loved it. But just in case you don't believe me, here's the puddn'.

Here's Gram enjoying her grandkids.

Chloe and Alex looking at the cool bugs. I'm glad they were pinned to the wall.

Alex said they should wait in the kid fort until the storm was over.

Chloe either never figured out that she was using the binoculars the wrong way or she just liked it that way, I don't know.

Camp Gram 2008 Day 1

Well today Camp Gran began with a BIG splash!!! We met at Grandma's house for a water party on her front lawn. Even some of the neighbor kids came to join in the fun. Lily did NOT like to be splashed, we found out.Tyler wasn't so sure of things at first.I'm pretty sure that was a cricket he was shoving in his mouth. At least that's what was on his chin shortly after this. Hmmm...Olivia taking a dive on the slide. Doesn't that look like fun!Don't worry Beka, Alex survived...:)
After the party, everyone was ready to settle down and have a camp out in Grandma's basement. They watched "Flushed Away" and I hear no one got any sleep until about 10:30pm.Day one we can call a success. Now let's add four more kids, three more days and about 20,000 mg. of Tylenol. Grandma, you are a brave woman.